Monday, December 28, 2009

Week of December 28th - January 3rd

Congregation Bible Study:
(song 84)
Keep Yourselves In God's Love
(chapter 14, pgs 168-170, ¶15-19, box on pg 167)

Theocratic Ministry School:
Bible reading: Joshua 12-15
* Theocratic Ministry School Review *

Service Meeting:
(song 35)
Announcements (5 min.)
(Call attn. to the article "Are You Ready to Sing to Jehovah at Our Meetings?" and encourage all to bring their new song book beginning January)
Download link for the new songs
How to Respond (10 min.)
(audience discussion based on rs pgs 64-68)
Starting Bible Studies (10 min.)
(local accomplishments / pioneer & publisher presentation demo)
The Offer for January (10 min.)
(briefly review features & encourage all to make it a goal to start a Bible study this month)
(song 193)

Watchtower Study Lesson:
"What Do Your Prayers Say About You?"
(pgs 3-7 -November 15th study edition)
(songs 67 & 13)

book abbreviations:
* rs (Reasoning From the Scriptures)

Monday, December 21, 2009

Week of December 21st - 27th

Congregation Bible Study:
(song 73)
Keep Yourselves In God's Love
(chapter 14, ¶10-14, box on pp. 164-165, appendix pp. 222-223)

Theocratic Ministry School:
Bible reading: Joshua 9-11
No. 1: Joshua 9:1-15
No. 2: How We Can Tell Armageddon Is Near
(lr chapter 47)
No. 3: God's Peaceful New World - You Can Live There
(lr chapter 48)

Service Meeting:
(song 4)
Prepare to Offer The Watchtower and Awake! (15 min.)
(demo: a group overseer assisting a young publisher who needs help refining their presentation and selecting scriptures, etc)
"'Impart Your Soul' to Your Students." (15 min.)
(Q&A discussion & interview w. publisher regarding practical ways he endeavors to show personal interest to Bible students & the results)
(song 66)

Watchtower Study Lesson:
"Maintaining Friendships in a Loveless World"
(pgs 17-21 -October 15th study edition)
(songs 173 & 155)

book abbreviations:
* lr (Learn From the Great Teacher)

Monday, December 14, 2009

Week of December 14th - 20th

Congregation Bible Study:
(song 41)
Keep Yourselves In God's Love
(chapter 14, pgs 160-163 ¶1-9 -Be Honest In All Things)

Theocratic Ministry School:
Bible reading: Joshua 6-8
No. 1: Joshua 8:1-17
No. 2: Water Destroys a World—Will It Happen Again?
(lr chapter 46)
No. 3: Why Is Ecclesiastes 7:21, 22 Practical Counsel?

Service Meeting:
(song 161)
Why Am I Afraid to Share My Faith? (15 min.)
(talk based on the July 2009 Awake! pgs 24-27)
"Preach With Urgency!" (15 min.)
(Q&A discussion & interview w. publisher using the following questions:
What steps have you taken to avoid being weighed down by unnecessary things of the world?
In what ways have you benefited from preaching with urgency?)
(song 92)

Watchtower Study Lesson:
"You Are My Friends"
(pgs 13-17 -October 15th study edition)
(songs 224 & 217)

book abbreviations:
* lr (Learn From the Great Teacher)

Monday, December 7, 2009

Week of December 7th - 13th

Congregation Bible Study:
(song 108)
Keep Yourselves In God's Love
(chapter 13, pgs 153-157 ¶16-26, box on pg 156)

Theocratic Ministry School:
Bible reading: Joshua 1-5
woohoo! I love the beginning of Joshua!
(definitely download the audio to listen to and follow along since it makes it so much better. Also, here's additional info I posted on my other blog with Highlights From the Book of Joshua showing maps of the locations mentioned in the account...since having a visual image in mind while you're doing your Bible reading really makes it come alive)
No. 1: Joshua 5:1-5
No. 2: Our Friends Should Love God
(lr chapter 44)
No. 3: What Is God's Kingdom? How to Show We Want It
(lr chapter 45)

Service Meeting:
(song 64)
Organized to Work Territory (10 min.)
(od -pgs 102-104, audience discussion of the six paragraphs under the subheading "Territory")
Local needs (10 min.)
Discern the Questioner's Viewpoint (10 min.)
(audience discussion based on: be pgs 66-68)
(song 137)

Watchtower Study Lesson:
"Be Peaceable With All Men"
(pgs 7-11 -October 15th study edition)
(songs 159 & 206)

book abbreviations:
* lr (Learn From the Great Teacher)
* od (Organized To Do Jehovah's Will)
* be (Benefit From Theocratic Ministry School Education)

Monday, November 30, 2009

Week of November 30th - December 6th

Congregation Bible Study:
(song 139)
Keep Yourselves In God's Love
(chapter 13, pgs 145-147, 150-153, ¶5-15, box on pg 150)

Theocratic Ministry School:
Bible reading: Deuteronomy 32-34
No. 1: Deuteronomy 32:1-21
No. 2: What Is "the Great Day of Jehovah"? (Zephaniah 1:14)
No. 3: Who Are Our Brothers and Sisters?
(lr chapter 43)

Service Meeting:
(song 134)
The Offer For December (10 min.)
(service presentation/family demo)
"We Are Witnesses All the Time" (10 min.)
(Q&A discussion)
Question Box (10 min.)
(audience discussion)
(song 3)

Watchtower Study Lesson:
"Be Aglow With the Spirit"
(pgs 3-7 -October 15th study edition)
(songs 191 & 177)

book abbreviations:
* lr (Learn From the Great Teacher)

Monday, November 23, 2009

Week of November 23rd - 29th

Congregation Bible Study:
(song 175)
Keep Yourselves In God's Love
(chapter 13, pgs 144-145 ¶1-4, boxes on pgs 148-149 & 158-159)

Theocratic Ministry School:
Bible reading: Deuteronomy 28-30
No. 1: Deuteronomy 30:1-14
No. 2: Why We Need to Work
(lr chapter 42)
No. 3: What Is the Scriptural Hope of the "Great Crowd"?
(rs pg 167 ¶4 - pg 168 ¶1)

Service Meeting:
(song 206)
Prepare to Offer The Watchtower & Awake! (5 min.)
"Developing the Foreign Language Field" (25 min.)
(Q&A discussion)
(song 165)

Watchtower Study Lesson:
Do You Value What Jehovah Has Done to Deliver You?
(pgs 25-29 -September 15th study edition)
(songs 55 & 153)

book abbreviations:
* lr (Learn From the Great Teacher)
* rs (Reasoning From the Scriptures)

Monday, November 16, 2009

Week of November 16th - 22nd

Congregation Bible Study:
(song 62)
Keep Yourselves In God's Love
(chapter 12, pgs 139-143 ¶15-22, box on pg 140)

Theocratic Ministry School:
Bible reading: Deuteronomy 23-27
No. 1: Deuteronomy 25:1-16
No. 2: Children Who Make God Happy
(lr chapter 41)
No. 3: What Things Should We Hold Sacred?

Service Meeting:
(song 11)
Use Discernment and Reach the Heart (10 min.)
(talk based on be pg 258 ¶1 - pg 259 ¶3)
Direct Interested Ones to Jehovah's Organization (10 min.)
(audience discussion based on od pg 99 ¶2 - pg 100 ¶1)
"Be Aglow With the Spirit" (10 min.)
(Q&A discussion)
(song 16)

Watchtower Study Lesson:
The Excelling Value of Divine Education
(pgs 21-25 -September 15th study edition)
(songs 91 & 59)

book abbreviations:
* lr (Learn From the Great Teacher)
* be (Benefit From Theocratic Ministry School Education)
* od (Organized To Do Jehovah's Will)

Monday, November 9, 2009

Week of November 9th - 15th

Congregation Bible Study:
(song 145)
Keep Yourselves In God's Love
(chapter 12, pgs 136-139 ¶9-14)

Theocratic Ministry School:
Bible reading: Deuteronomy 19-22
No. 1: Deuteronomy 22:1-19
No. 2: How to Make God Happy
(lr chapter 40)
No. 3: Are the 144,000 Only Natural Jews?
(rs pg 166 ¶5 - pg 167 ¶3)

Service Meeting:
(song 11)
Our Role in Literature Placements (10 min.)
(audience discussion based on od pg 133 ¶1-3)
"Return on Interested Ones - When? (20 min.)
(Q&A discussion/RV demo)
(song 214)

Watchtower Study Lesson:
Christ's Love Moves Us to Love
(pgs 16-20 -September 15th study edition)
(songs 89 & 35)

book abbreviations:
* lr (Learn From the Great Teacher)
* rs (Reasoning From the Scriptures)
* od (Organized To Do Jehovah's Will)

Monday, November 2, 2009

Week of November 2nd - 8th

*Even though our congregation won't be having a regular meeting schedule this week (on account of the Special Assembly Day on Sat), here's the schedule anyway to study on your own or in case you're in a different circuit...

Congregation Bible Study:
(song 115)
Keep Yourselves In God's Love
(chapter 12, pgs 133-136 ¶1-8)

Theocratic Ministry School:
Bible reading: Deuteronomy 14-18
No. 1: Deuteronomy 15:1-15
No. 2: What Does the Fear of God Encompass?
No. 3: God Remembers His Son
(lr chapter 39)

Service Meeting:
(song 1)
Starting Bible Studies (10 min.)
(audience discussion/presentation demos)
Local needs (10 min.)
Witness By Letter (10 min.)
(audience discussion based on be pgs 71-73)
(song 9)

Watchtower Study Lesson:
Be Obedient and Courageous as Christ Was
(pgs 11-15 -September 15th study edition)
(songs 8 & 107)

book abbreviations:
* lr (Learn From the Great Teacher)
* be (Benefit From Theocratic Ministry School Education)

Monday, October 26, 2009

Week of October 26th - November 1st

Congregation Bible Study:
(song 200)
Keep Yourselves In God's Love
(chapter 11, Appendix pgs 219-221: "The Bible's View on Divorce and Seperation")

Theocratic Ministry School:
Bible reading: Deuteronomy 11-13
~Theocratic Ministry School Review~

Service Meeting:
(song 67)
Prepare to Offer The Watchtower and Awake! Talk (10 min.)
(review contents of the current issues + parent/child demo)
What Does the Bible Really Teach? (10 min.)
(audience discussion/presentation demo)
Question Box. Audience discussion (10 min.)
(read and discuss scriptures in the box)
(song 70)

Watchtower Study Lesson:
Keep Christ's Mental Attitude in You
(pgs 7-11 -September 15th study edition)
(songs 62 & 66)

~no additional reference books this week~

Monday, October 19, 2009

Week of October 19th - 25th

Congregation Bible Study:
(song 86)
Keep Yourselves In God's Love
(chapter 11, pgs 130-132 ¶20-22, box on pg 131)

Theocratic Ministry School:
Bible reading: Deuteronomy 7-10
No. 1: Deuteronomy 9:1-14
No. 2: Why We Should Love Jesus
(lr chapter 38)
No. 3: To How Many Does the Bible Hold Out Hope of Heavenly Life?
(rs pg 166 ¶3-4)

Service Meeting:
(song 44)
Research Can Enhance Understanding (15 min.)
(be -from pg 33 to the subheading on pg 34)
"Telephone Witnessing Can Be Effective" (15 min.)
(Q&A discussion/demo presentation)
(song 75)

Watchtower Study Lesson:
"Keep Yourselves In God's Love"
(pgs 18-22 -August 15th study edition)
(songs 114 & 85)

book abbreviations:
* lr (Learn From the Great Teacher)
* rs (Reasoning From the Scriptures)

* be (Benefit From Theocratic Ministry School Education)

Monday, October 12, 2009

Week of October 12th - 18th

Congregation Bible Study:
(song 110)
Keep Yourselves In God's Love
(chapter 11, pgs 125-129 ¶10-19)

Theocratic Ministry School:
Bible reading: Deuteronomy 4-6
No. 1: Deuteronomy 4:15-28
No. 2: Remembering Jehovah and His Son
(lr chapter 37)
No. 3: When Can It Be Said That Less Is Better?
(based on Proverbs 15:16)

Service Meeting:
(song 13)
Conducting Home Bible Studies (10 min.)
(od pg 98 ¶1 - pg 99 ¶1)
The Offer for October (10 min.)
(demonstrations/audience discussion)
"Are You Ready for Informal Witnessing?" (10 min.)
(Q&A discussion)
(song 48)

Watchtower Study Lesson:
Everlasting Life on Earth - A Hope Rediscovered
(pgs 12-16 -August 15th study edition)
(songs 4 & 220)

book abbreviations:
* lr (Learn From the Great Teacher)
* od (Organized To Do Jehovah's Will)

Monday, October 5, 2009

Week of October 5th - 11th

Congregation Bible Study:
(song 173)
Keep Yourselves In God's Love
(chapter 11, pgs 121-125 ¶1-9)

Theocratic Ministry School:
Bible reading: Deuteronomy 1-3
No. 1: Deuteronomy 2:1-15
No. 2: What Does the "New Testament" Say About Eternal Life on Earth?
(rs pg 165 ¶1 - pg 166 ¶3)
No. 3: Who Will Be Resurrected? Where Will They Live?
(lr chapter 36)

Service Meeting:
(song 42)
Would You Like to Know the Truth? (10 min.)
(audience discussion about which questions in the tract have been most effective in the local territory + Bible study demo)
Local needs (10 min.)
Preach to Those Who Speak Another Language (10 min.)
(Review the 3 steps outlined on pg 2 of the booklet Good News for People of All Nations)
(song 100)

Watchtower Study Lesson:
Everlasting Life on Earth - A Christian Hope?
(pgs 7-11 -August 15th study edition)
(songs 187 & 15)

book abbreviations:
* lr (Learn From the Great Teacher)
* rs (Reasoning from the Scriptures)

Monday, September 28, 2009

Week of September 28th - October 4th

Congregation Bible Study:
(song 186)
Keep Yourselves In God's Love
(chapter 10, pgs 116-120 ¶16-24)

Theocratic Ministry School:
Bible reading: Numbers 33-36
No. 1: Numbers 33:1-23
No. 2: We Can Wake Up From Death!
(lr chapter 35)
No. 3: Ways That God's Kingdom Is Superior to All Human Governments

Service Meeting:
(song 21)
Use Illustrations to Teach (10 min.)
(talk based on pgs 240-243 of the be book)
"Search Out Deserving Ones" (20 min.)
(Q&A discussion/working all types of territories)
(song 126)

Watchtower Study Lesson:
Everlasting Life On Earth - A God-Given Hope
(pgs 3-7 -August 15th study edition)
(songs 76 & 222)

book abbreviations:
* lr (Learn From the Great Teacher)
* be (Benefit From Theocratic Ministry School Education)

Monday, September 21, 2009

Week of September 21st - 27th

Congregation Bible Study:
(song 69)
Keep Yourselves In God's Love
(chapter 10, pgs 113-116 ¶9-15, box on pg 114)

Theocratic Ministry School:
Bible reading: Numbers 30-32
No. 1: Numbers 32:1-15
No. 2: What Will Happen if We Die?
(lr chapter 34)
No. 3: Is Heavenly Life the Hope for All Christians?
(rs pg 164 ¶1-3)

Service Meeting:
(song 141)
Prepare to Offer the October 1 Watchtower and the October special issue of Awake! (10 min.)
Audience Discussion based on pg 16 of rs book (10 min.)
"Skillfully Use the Bible" Q&A discussion (10 min.)
(song 107)

Watchtower Study Lesson:
Imitate Jesus - Preach With Boldness
(pgs 19-23 -July 15th study edition)
(songs 92 & 148)

book abbreviations:
* lr (Learn From the Great Teacher)
* rs (Reasoning from the Scriptures)

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Week of September 14th - 20th

Congregation Bible Study:
(song 117)
Keep Yourselves In God's Love
(chapter 10, pgs 110-112, ¶1-8 "Marriage-A Gift From a Loving God")

Theocratic Ministry School:
Bible reading: Numbers 26-29
No. 1: Numbers 27:1-14
No. 2: What is mental-regulating, and why is it important?
(Ephesians 6:4)
No. 3: Jesus Can Protect Us
(lr chapter 33)

Service Meeting:
(song 33)
Making Return Visits (10 min.)
(Organized pgs 97-98, the 3 paragraphs under subheading)
Starting Bible Studies (10 min.)
(local accomplishments & demonstration for Sept)
"How will you answer?" Q&A discussion (10 min.)
(song 56)

Watchtower Study Lesson:
Imitate Jesus - Teach With Love
(pgs 15-19 -July 15th study edition)
(songs 156 & 215)

book abbreviations:
* lr (Learn From the Great Teacher)
* Organized To Do Jehovah's Will

Monday, September 7, 2009

Week of September 7th - 13th

Congregation Bible Study:
(song 210)
Keep Yourselves In God's Love
(chapter 9, pgs 107-109 ¶22-26, box on pg 109, Appendix pgs 218-219)

Theocratic Ministry School:
Bible reading: Numbers 22-25
No. 1: Numbers 22:20-35
No. 2: How Jesus Was Protected
(lr chapter 32)
No. 3: What Is the Meaning of 1 Peter 4:6?
(rs pg 163 ¶5)

Service Meeting:
(song 167)
Answering Questions About the Last Days (10 min.)
(rs pg 241 ¶5 to pg 243 ¶1)
Local needs (10 min.)
Proven Methods of Searching Out Deserving Ones (10 min.)
(Organized pg 95 ¶3 to pg 96 ¶4)
(song 39)

Watchtower Study Lesson:
Christian Families -Follow Jesus' Example!
(pgs 7-11 -July 15th study edition)
(songs 205 & 158)

book abbreviations:
* lr (Learn From the Great Teacher)
* rs (Reasoning from the Scriptures)
* Organized To Do Jehovah's Will

Monday, August 31, 2009

Week of August 31st - September 6th

Congregation Bible Study:
(song 132)
Keep Yourselves In God's Love
(chapter 9, pgs 102-107 ¶13-21, box on pg 104)

Theocratic Ministry School:
Bible reading: Numbers 17-21
*Theocratic Ministry School Review*

Service Meeting:
(song 159)
How to Reason on a Subject and Draw Out Inner Feelings (10 min.)
(be pg 237 ¶3 thru pg 238 ¶5)
"Meetings for Field Service" Q&A (20 min.)
(song 151)

Watchtower Study Lesson:
Finding Treasures "Carefully Concealed in Him"
(pgs 3-7 -July 15th study edition)
(songs 121 & 105)

book abbreviations:
* be (Benefit From Theocratic Ministry School Education)

Monday, August 24, 2009

Week of August 24th - 30th

Congregation Bible Study:
(song 38)
Keep Yourselves In God's Love
(chapter 9, pgs 97-102 ¶1-12, box on pg 101)

Theocratic Ministry School:
Bible reading: Numbers 14-16
No. 1: Numbers 14:26-43
No. 2: What Does It Mean to Love God's Law?
(Psalm 119:97)
No. 3: Where to Find Comfort
(lr chapter 31)

Service Meeting:
(song 218)
Prepare to Offer the September 1st WA & Awake! (10 min.)
(audience discussion and demonstrations)
"Meet the Challenge of Witnessing to Men" (20 min.)
(Q&A discussion about the need for spiritually qualified men to take the lead)
(song 204)

Watchtower Study Lesson:
The Faithful Steward and Its Governing Body
(pgs 20-24 -June 15th study edition)
(songs 51 & 114)

book abbreviations:
* lr (Learn From the Great Teacher)

Monday, August 17, 2009

Week of August 17th - 23rd

Congregation Bible Study:
(song 225)
Keep Yourselves In God's Love
(chapter 8, pgs 93-96 ¶19-26, boxes on pgs 94, 96)

Theocratic Ministry School:
Bible reading: Numbers 10-13
No. 1: Numbers 13:17-33
No. 2: Help to Overcome Our Fears
(lr chapter 30)
No. 3: What Does 1 Peter 3:19, 20 Mean ?
(rs pg 163 ¶4)

Service Meeting:
(song 36)
Preaching From House to House (15 min.)
(Organized to Do Jehovah's Will book, pg 92 ¶3 thru pg 95 ¶2)
"Are You Ready For School?" (15 min.)
(Q&A discussion & interview)
(song 221)

Watchtower Study Lesson:
Speak Truth With Your Neighbor
(pgs 16-20 -June 15th study edition)
(songs 192 & 170)

book abbreviations:
* lr (Learn From the Great Teacher)
* rs (Reasoning from the Scriptures)

Monday, August 10, 2009

Week of August 10th - 16th

Congregation Bible Study:
(song 78)
Keep Yourselves In God's Love
(chapter 8, pgs 89-93 ¶11-18)

Theocratic Ministry School:
Bible reading: Numbers 7-9
No. 1: Numbers 9:1-14
No. 2: Do All Parties Please God?
(lr chapter 29)
No. 3: Ways in Which We Show Loyalty to Jehovah

Service Meeting:
(song 47)
The Offer for August (10 min.)
Explaining the Kingdom (10 min.)
(be pg 280 ¶1 thru pg 281 ¶2)
"Special Assembly Day Program for 2010." Q&A (10 min.)
(song 93)

Watchtower Study Lesson:
Be "Zealous for Fine Works"!
(pgs 11-15 -June 15th study edition)
(songs 30 & 181)

book abbreviations:
* lr (Learn From the Great Teacher)
* be (Benefit From Theocratic Ministry School Education)

Monday, August 3, 2009

Week of August 3rd - 9th

Congregation Bible Study:
(song 198)
Keep Yourselves In God's Love
(chapter 8, pgs 86-89 ¶1-10)
*I'm not sure if there's a typo on this week's schedule, because its odd to end a lesson in the middle of two subheadings. -So I would study through13 on pg 90 just in case.

Theocratic Ministry School:
Bible reading: Numbers 4-6
No. 1: Numbers 4:1-16
No. 2: How to Know Whom to Obey
(lr chapter 28)
No. 3: Must a Person Go to Heaven to Have a Truly Happy Future?
(rs pg 163 ¶1-3)

Service Meeting:
(song 166)
Interview with publishers who've had the experience of working where the need was greater, or in seldom-worked territory (10 min.)
Local Needs(10 min.)
Rely on Jehovah's Help in Developing Teaching Ability (10 min.)
(be pg 56 ¶1 thru pg 57 ¶2 )
(song 171 )

Watchtower Study Lesson:
Be Zealous for Jehovah's House!
(pgs 7-11 -June 15th study edition)
(songs 31 & 118)

book abbreviations:
* lr (Learn From the Great Teacher)
* be (Benefit From Theocratic Ministry School Education)
* rs (Reasoning from the Scriptures)

Monday, July 27, 2009

Week of July 27th - August 2nd

Congregation Bible Study:
(song 77)
Keep Yourselves In God's Love
(Appendix pgs 215-218 "Blood Fractions & Surgical Procedures")

Theocratic Ministry School:
Bible reading: Numbers 1-3
No. 1: Numbers 3:1-20
No. 2: Why Mildness Requires Self-Control
No. 3: Who Is Your God?
(lr chapter 27)

Service Meeting:
(song 131)
Use Questions Effectively (10 min.)
(be pg 236 to pg 237,¶2)
Interview examples of exemplary parents (10 min.)
"Praise Jehovah Each Day" (10 min.)
(Q&A discussion)
(song 154)

Watchtower Study Lesson:
Why Follow "the Christ"?
(pgs 28-32 -May 15th study edition)
(songs 121 & 134)

book abbreviations:
* lr (Learn From the Great Teacher)
* be (Benefit From Theocratic Ministry School Education)

Monday, July 20, 2009

Week of July 20th - 26th

Congregation Bible Study:
(song 73)
Keep Yourselves In God's Love
(chapter 7, pgs 82-85 ¶20-28)

Theocratic Ministry School:
Bible reading: Leviticus 25-27
No. 1: Leviticus 25:39-54
No. 2: Why It Is Hard to Do Good
(lr chapter 26)
No. 3: If Adam Had Not Sinned, Would He Eventually Have Gone to Heaven?
(rs pg 162 ¶4-5)

Service Meeting:
(song 46)
Laying Christ as the Foundation (10 min.)
(be pg 278 ¶1-4)
Prepare to Offer the August 1 Watchtower and Awake! (10 min.)
"A Circuit Assembly to Help Us Safeguard Our Spirituality." (10 min.)
(Q&A discussion)
(song 65)

Watchtower Study Lesson:
The Angels -"Spirits for Public Service"
(pgs 21-25 -May 15th study edition)
(songs 6 & 5)

book abbreviations:
* lr (Learn From the Great Teacher)
* be (Benefit From Theocratic Ministry School Education)
* rs (Reasoning from the Scriptures)

Monday, July 13, 2009

Week of July 13th - 19th

Congregation Bookstudy Lesson:
(song 40)
Keep Yourselves In God's Love
(chapter 7, pgs 77-82 ¶10-19, box on pg 81)

Theocratic Ministry School Parts:
Bible reading: Leviticus 21-24
No. 1: Leviticus 22:17-33
No. 2: Can Those Who Do Bad Things Change?
(lr chapter 25)
No. 3: How True Christians Show Concern for the Poor

Service Meeting:
(song 224)
Use the Bible in Your Ministry (10 min.)
(audience discussion based on be pg 145)
Starting Bible Studies (10 min.)
(local accomplishments/experiences)
"Can You Expand Your Service?" Q&A (10 min.)
(song 17)

Watchtower Study Lesson:
Youths - Make Your Advancement Manifest
(pgs 13-17 -May 15th study edition)
(songs 42 & 56)

book abbreviations:
* lr (Learn From the Great Teacher)
* be (Benefit From Theocratic Ministry School Education)

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Week of July 6th - 12th

Congregation Bookstudy Lesson:
(song 109)
Keep Yourselves In God's Love
(chapter 7, pgs 74-77 ¶1-9, boxes on pgs 76-78)

Theocratic Ministry School Parts:
Bible reading: Leviticus 17-20
No. 1: Leviticus 19:1-18
No. 2: Did We All Exist in the Spirit Realm Before Our Birth as Humans?
(rs pg 161 ¶2 - pg 162 ¶3)
No. 3: Never Become a Thief!
(lr chapter 24)

Service Meeting:
(song 13)
Local needs (10 min.)
Interview with elders/ministerial servants (10 min.)
(what encouraged them to "reach out"? -1 Tim 3:1-9)
Helping Others Put the Kingdom First (10 min.)
(be pg 281 under subheading)
(song 43)

Watchtower Study Lesson:
Press On To Maturity-"The Great Day of Jehovah Is Near"
(pgs 9-13 -May 15th study edition)
(songs 123 & 174)

book abbreviations:
* lr (Learn From the Great Teacher)
* be (Benefit From Theocratic Ministry School Education)
* rs (Reasoning from the Scriptures)

Monday, June 29, 2009

Week of June 29th - July 5th

Congregation Bookstudy Lesson:
(song 124)
Keep Yourselves In God's Love
(chapter 6, pgs 70-73 ¶16-23)

Theocratic Ministry School Parts:
Bible reading: Leviticus 14-16
Service Meeting:
(song 81)
Good Personal Appearance - Why Important (10 min.)
(be pgs 131-134)
Choose Bible Topics for "People of All Sorts" (10 min.)
(based on 1 Corinthians 9:22 & topics from rs book)
The Offer for July and August (10 min.)
(review & demonstrations)
(song 215)

Watchtower Study Lesson:
"Appreciating Jesus - The Greater David and the Greater Solomon"
(pgs 28-32 -April 15th study edition)
(songs 168 & 209)

book abbreviations:
* be (Benefit From Theocratic Ministry School Education)
* rs (Reasoning from the Scriptures)

Monday, June 22, 2009

Week of June 22nd - June 28th

*FYI -don't forget you can download the audio versions of the Bible reading each week, plus the 'Keep Yourselves in God's Love' and the 'Learn From the Great Teacher' lesson or chapter right off the website to listen to when you commute or whenever. (Just scroll down the menu bar to choose the book) AUDIO VERSION

Congregation Bookstudy Lesson:
(song 177)
Keep Yourselves In God's Love
(chapter 6, pgs 65-70 ¶10-15, box on pg 67)

Theocratic Ministry School Parts:
Bible reading: Leviticus 10-13
No. 1: Leviticus 11:29-45
No. 2: The Reason People Get Sick
(lr chapter 23)
No. 3: Blessings That Baptized Disciples Enjoy

Service Meeting:
(song 7)
Help Your Listeners to Use Discernment (10 min.)
(be pg 57 ¶3 to pg 58 ¶3)
Prepare to offer the July 1 Watchtower/Awake! (10 min.)
(overview & demonstrations)
How to Overcome Objections About Religion (10 min.)
(rs pg 330 ¶4 to pg 333 ¶2)
(song 27)

Watchtower Study Lesson:
"Appreciating the Greater Moses"
(pgs 24-28 -April 15th study edition)
(songs 205 & 150)

book abbreviations:
* lr (Learn From the Great Teacher)
* be (Benefit From Theocratic Ministry School Education)
* rs (Reasoning from the Scriptures)

Monday, June 15, 2009

Week of June 15th - 21st

Congregation Bookstudy Lesson:
(song 175)
Keep Yourselves In God's Love
(chapter 6, pgs 62-65, ¶1-9)

Theocratic Ministry School Parts:
Bible reading: Leviticus 6-9
No. 1: Leviticus 8:1-17
No. 2: Do You Believe in Healing?
(rs pg 160 ¶6 thru pg 161 ¶1)
No. 3: Why We Should Not Lie
(lr chapter 22)

Service Meeting:
(song 25)
Preach the Good News (10 min.)
(be pg 279 ¶1-4)
'I Believe in Evolution'(10 min.)
(rs pgs 126-128)
"Be Well Prepared for Teaching" Q&A (10 min.)
(song 68)

Watchtower Study Lesson:
"Jehovah's Wisdom Observed In Creation"
(pgs 15-19 -April 15th study edition)
(songs 79 & 84)

book abbreviations:
* lr (Learn From the Great Teacher)
* be (Benefit From Theocratic Ministry School Education)

* rs (Reasoning from the Scriptures)

Sunday, June 14, 2009

backround info on Leviticus

Since we just started the book of Leviticus in our Bible reading schedule, I wanted to post some extra info taken from the "All Scripture Is Inspired" book (pgs 25 & 26) that helps to have in the back of your mind while you're reading Leviticus.

"...the book consists chiefly of the regulations of the Levitical priesthood, which was the chosen tribe of Levi, and the laws that the priests taught the people: "For the lips of a priest are the ones that should keep knowledge, and the law is what people should seek from his mouth." (Malachi 2:7)

Why was Leviticus written?
"As a new nation journeying toward a new land, Israel needed proper direction. It was still less than a year from the Exodus, and the living standards of Egypt as well as its religious practices were fresh in mind. Marriage of brother and sister was practiced in Egypt. False worship was carried on in honor of many gods, some of them animal gods. Now this large congregation was on its way to Canaan, where life and religious practices were even more degrading. But look again at the encampment of Israel. Swelling the congregation were many who were pure or part Egyptian, a mixed multitude who were living right in among the Israelites and who had been born of Egyptian parents and were raised and schooled in the ways, religion, and patriotism of the Egyptians. Many of these had undoubtedly indulged in detestable practices in their homeland only a short time before. How neccessary that they now receive detailed guidance from Jehovah!"

(Based on the fact that the Canaanites had some seriously gross and immoral practices such as pedophilia, incest, and bestiality, among other things, you can really see why the Israelites would need to be given such forceful, clear-cut that those 'new laws' regarding clean moral conduct, would be firmly implanted in their minds & hearts PRIOR to entering the land of Canaan.)

"Jehovah had purposed to have a holy nation, a sanctified people, set apart for his service. From the time of Abel, faithful men of God had been offering sacrifices to Jehovah, but first with the nation of Israel did Jehovah give explicit instructions regarding sin offerings and other sacrifices. These, as explained in detail in Leviticus, made the Israelites aware of the exceeding sinfulness of sin ... these regulations, as part of the Law, served as a tutor leading the Jews to Christ, showing them the need for a Savior and at the same time serving to keep them as a people separate from the rest of the world. Especially did God's laws regarding ceremonial cleanness serve the latter purpose." but also, "Its statutes regarding diet, disease, quarantine, and treatment of dead bodies reveal a knowledge of facts not appreciated by worldly men of medicine until thousands of years later. God's laws regarding animals unclean for eating would protect the Israelites while they traveled. It would safeguard them against trichinosis from pigs, typhoid and paratyphoid from certain types of fish, and infection from animals found already dead. These practical laws were to direct their religion and their lives that they might remain a holy nation and reach and inhabit the Promised Land. History shows that the regulations provided by Jehovah gave the Jews a definite advantage over other peoples in the matter of health."

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Week of June 8th - 14th

Congregation Bookstudy Lesson:
(song 14)
Keep Yourselves In God's Love
(appendix, pgs 212-215)

Theocratic Ministry School Parts:
Bible reading: Leviticus 1-5
No. 1: Leviticus 4:1-15
No. 2: Should We Brag About Anything?
(lr chapter 21)
No. 3: How Should Christians Exercise Authority?

Service Meeting:
(song 20)
Jesus' Vital Place in God's Purpose (10 min.)
(be -talk based on info under subheading beginning on pg 276)
The Offer for June (10 min.)
"Our Ministry-A Reflection of Our Love for God" Q&A (10 min.)
(song 10)

Watchtower Study Lesson:
"Your Integrity Makes Jehovah's Heart Rejoice"
(pgs 7-11 - April 15th study edition)
(songs 160 & 138)

book abbreviations:
* lr (Learn From the Great Teacher)
* be (Benefit From Theocratic Ministry School Education)

Monday, June 1, 2009

Week of June 1st - 7th

*For anyone whose going to convention next weekend then you already know there's no regular meeting schedule this week. But I'm posting it anyway since most of this info will be covered in the program and some of you have a different convention date this summer.

Congregation Bookstudy Lesson:
(song 26)
Keep Yourselves In God's Love
(chapter 5, pgs 58-61, ¶16-23)

Theocratic Ministry School Parts:
Bible reading: Exodus 38-40
No. 1: Exodus 40:1-19
No. 2: Do You Always Want to Be First?
(lr chapter 20)
No. 3: What Hope Is There for Real Healing for All Mankind?
(rs p. 160 ¶3-5)

Service Meeting:
(song 129)
Help Others To Progress (10 min.)
(be pg 187 beginning under 2nd subheading thru pg 188)
Local Needs (10 min.)
What Did We Accomplish? (10 min.)
(song 53)

Watchtower Study Lesson:
"Job Held High the Name Of Jehovah"
(pgs 3-7 - April 15th study edition)
(songs 197 & 41)

book abbreviations:
* rs (Reasoning From the Scriptures)
* lr (Learn From the Great Teacher)
* be (Benefit From Theocratic Ministry School Education)

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Week of May 25th - 31st

Congregation Bookstudy Lesson:
(song 74)
Keep Yourselves In God's Love
(chapter 5, pgs 53-57, ¶7 -15)

Theocratic Ministry School Parts:
Bible reading: Exodus 34-37
No. 1: Exodus 37:1-24
No. 2: Is It Right to Fight?
(lr chapter 19)
No. 3: What Is Permissiveness, and Why Should We Avoid It?

Service Meeting:
(song 193)
Prepare to Offer the June 1 Watchtower & Awake! (10 min.)
Bearing Witness to Jesus (10 min.)
(be pg 275 under heading, thru pg 276 ¶1)
"Make Good Use of Our Publications" Q&A (10 min.)
(song 123)

Watchtower Study Lesson:
"Righteous Ones Will Praise God Forever"
(pgs 24-28 -March 15th study edition)
(songs 48 & 165)

book abbreviations:
* lr (Learn From the Great Teacher)
* be (Benefit From Theocratic Ministry School Education)

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Week of May 18th - 24th

Congregation Bookstudy Lesson:
Keep Yourselves In God's Love
(chapter 5, ¶1 -6, plus boxes on pgs 52, 55)

Theocratic Ministry School Parts:
Bible reading: Exodus 30-33
No. 1: Exodus 31:1-18
No. 2: Why Gifts of Healing Were Given in the First Century
(rs p. 159 ¶2–p. 160 ¶2)
No. 3: Do You Remember to Say Thank You? (lr chap. 18)

Service Meeting:
God's Name - "A Strong Tower" (10 min.)
(be p. 274 ¶6 - p. 275 ¶3 The Message We Must Proclaim)
Three Aspects of Effective Introductions (10 min.)
(rs p. 9 Introductions for Use in the Field Ministry)
“How to Prepare for the Service Meeting” (10 min.)

Watchtower Study Lesson:
"Jehovah Deserves Our United Praise"
(pgs 20-24 -March 15th study edition)
(songs 136 & 169)

book abbreviations:
* rs (Reasoning From the Scriptures)
* lr (Learn From the Great Teacher)
* be (Benefit From Theocratic Ministry School Education)