Monday, May 2, 2011

Week of May 2nd - 8th, 2011

Congregation Bible Study:
(song 99 and Prayer)
"Bearing Thorough Witness About God's Kingdom"
(chapter 3, pgs 22-25, ¶4-11)

Theocratic Ministry School:
Bible reading: Job 38-42
No. 1: Job 40:1-24
No. 2: Benefits From Being Mild-Tempered and Patient
No. 3: If Someone Says: "Do You Accept Jesus as Your Personal Savior?"
(rs pg 219 ¶4-5)

Service Meeting:
(song 82)
Announcements (10 min.)
(Using the sample presentation on pg 8 of the April km, demonstrate how a study may be started on the first Saturday in May. Encourage all to have a share)
Local Needs (15 min.)
Prepare to Offer the Magazines in May (10 min.)

(Discussion. Take 1-2 mins to review some of the contents of the magazines. Then choose 2 or 3 articles, and invite audience to suggest questions and scriptures that could be used in a presentation. Demonstrate how each issue may be offered.)
(song 91 and Prayer)

Watchtower Study Lesson:
"Receive God's Spirit Not the World's"

(pgs 8-12 -March 15th study edition)
(songs 60 & 71)

book abbreviations:
* rs (Reasoning From the Scriptures)

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Week of April 25th - May 1st, 2011

Congregation Bible Study:
(song 108 and Prayer)
"Bearing Thorough Witness About God's Kingdom"
(chapter 3, pgs 21-22, ¶1-3, box on pgs 23-27)

Theocratic Ministry School:
Bible reading: Job 33-37
~Theocratic Ministry School Review~

Service Meeting:
(song 117)
Announcements (5 min.)
"Use Them Rather Than Store Them"

(Talk. Inform audience of any older publications that are overstocked in the congregation)
"Three Days of Spiritual Refreshment" (30 min.)
(Q&A - Discuss "2011 District Convention Reminders." When considering paragraph 5, call on the service overseer to explain local arrangements for distributing the invitations)
(song 119 and Prayer)

Watchtower Study Lesson:
"Do You Hate Lawlessness?"
(pgs 28-32 -February 15th study edition)
(songs 61 & 120)

Monday, April 11, 2011

~2011 Memorial Bible Reading~

(click on the links below for the Memorial Bible reading schedule this week...but disregard the previous dates on the original entries because I posted these last year)

Nisan 14 - Sunday, April 17th *Memorial Evening*

Week of April 11th - 17th, 2011

FYI - Tomorrow begins the Memorial Bible reading for the week, so I'll post that in a separate entry following this one
Congregation Bible Study:
(song 44 and Prayer)
"Bearing Thorough Witness About God's Kingdom"
(chapter 2, pgs 16-17, ¶8-15)

Theocratic Ministry School:
Bible reading: Job 21-27
No. 1: Job 25:1-26:14
No. 2: Why the Cross Should Not Be Viewed as an Object of Devotion
No. 3: Is Jesus Christ the Same Person as Michael the Archangel?
(rs pg 218 ¶1-3)

Service Meeting:
(song 98)
Announcements (5 min.)
(Inform the congregation of the local progress being made in the Memorial invitation campaign)
Sow Your Seed, and Do Not Let Your Hand Rest (10 min.)
(Eccl. 11:6 - Discussion based on the 2011 Yearbook, pg 170, ¶2 - pg 173, ¶4. After discussing each experience, invite audience to comment on the lessons learned.)
How to Witness by Letter (10 min.)
(Discussion based on be pgs 71-73)
"A Powerful Witness Will Be Given." (10 min.)
(song 8 and Prayer)

Watchtower Study Lesson:
"Gaining God's Approval Leads to Everlasting Life"
(pgs 13-17 -February 15th study edition)
(songs 106 & 51)

book abbreviations:
* rs (Reasoning From the Scriptures)
* be (Benefit From Theocratic Ministry School Education)

Monday, April 4, 2011

Week of April 4th - 10th 2011

Congregation Bible Study:
(song 116 and Prayer)
"Bearing Thorough Witness About God's Kingdom"
(chapter 2, pgs 14-16, ¶1-7, box on pg 13)

Theocratic Ministry School:
Bible reading: Job 16-20
No. 1: Job 18:1-21
No. 2: Does Jesus Have His Fleshly Body in Heaven?
(rs pg 217 ¶2-5)
No. 3: Why Enlightened Rulers Praise Jehovah's Witnesses
(Romans 13:3)

Service Meeting:
(song 34)
Make Good Use of the 2011 Yearbook (15 min.)
(Discussion. Review "A Letter From the Governing Body.")
Arrange in advance for some to relate an encouraging experience from the Yearbook. Invite audience to comment on outstanding aspects of the worldwide report. Conclude by encouraging all to complete their reading of the Yearbook.
Local Needs (15 min.)
(song 103 and Prayer)

Watchtower Study Lesson:
"Holy Spirit—At Work in Creation!"
(pgs 6-10 -February 15th study edition)
(songs 110 & 112)

book abbreviations:
* rs (Reasoning From the Scriptures)

Monday, March 28, 2011

Week of March 28th - April 3rd, 2011

Congregation Bible Study:
(song 45)
"Bearing Thorough Witness About God's Kingdom"
(chapter 1, pgs 9-11, ¶16-21)

Theocratic Ministry School:
Bible reading: Job 11-15
No. 1: Job 13:1-28
No. 2: Why Jesus Is "Lord of the Sabbath"
(Matthew 12:8)
No. 3: Did Jesus Have a Heavenly Existence Before He Became a Human?
(rs pg 216 ¶4 - pg 217 ¶1)

Service Meeting:
(song 2)
Announcements (5 min.)
(Mention literature offer for April, and have one demo showing how to start a Bible study when making a return visit on someone who previously accepted mags.)
Supporting Kingdom Activity Locally and Worldwide (10 min.)
(talk based on od, pg 127 - pg 129 ¶2)
Prepare to Offer the Magazines in April (10 min.)
(Discussion. Take one or two minutes to review the contents of the mags. Then choose two or three articles and invite audience to suggest questions and scriptures that could be used in a presentation. Demonstrate how each issue may be offered)
"Were You Once a Regular Pioneer?" (10 min.)
(Q&A. If available, briefly interview a pioneer who stopped pioneering and then resumed when circumstances changed)
-What enabled the publisher to pioneer again?
-What blessings have been enjoyed?
(song 6)

Watchtower Study Lesson:
"Empowered To Overcome Any Trial"
(pgs 26-30 -January 15th study edition)
(songs 133 & 100)

book abbreviations:
* rs (Reasoning From the Scriptures)
* od (Organized To Do Jehovah's Will)