Sunday, March 31, 2013

Week of April 1st - 7th

official link:

Congregation Bible Study:
(song 38 and Prayer)
"God's Word For Us Through Jeremiah"
(chapter 7, pgs 84-88, ¶7-13)

Theocratic Ministry School:
Bible reading: Luke 7-9
No. 1: Luke 7:18-35
No. 2: What New Nation Was Born at Pentecost, and With What Purpose? (Galatians 6:16; 1 Peter 2:9)
No. 3: Where Did Cain Find His Wife?
(w 9/1/10 pg 25 updates rs pg 301 ¶5 – pg 302 ¶1)

Service Meeting:
(song 113)
(10 min): Ideas for Offering the Magazines in April.
(Discussion. Take 30 to 60 seconds to relate why the magazines will have appeal in your territory. Then, using the cover subject of The Watchtower, invite the audience to suggest an interest-arousing question to ask and then invite suggestions on a scripture to read. Do the same for Awake! and, if time allows, for one other article from either magazine. Demonstrate how each issue may be offered.)
(10 min): Local needs.
(10 min): Make Good Use of the 2013 Yearbook
(Discussion. Review "A Letter From the Governing Body." Arrange in advance for some to relate an encouraging experience from the Yearbook. Invite audience to comment on outstanding aspects of the worldwide report. Conclude by encouraging all to complete their reading of the Yearbook.)
(song 75 and Prayer)

Watchtower Study Lesson:
"This Is Our Spiritual Heritage"
(pgs 7-13 - February 15th, 2013 study edition)
(songs 69 & 28)

book abbreviations:
* rs (Reasoning From the Scriptures)
* w (Watchtower)

Monday, March 25, 2013

Week of March 25th - 31st

official link:

Congregation Bible Study:
(song 76 and Prayer)
"God's Word For Us Through Jeremiah"
(chapter 7, pgs 81-83, ¶1-6)

Theocratic Ministry School:
Bible reading: Luke 4-6
No. 1: Luke 4:22-39
No. 2:  From Where Did the Various Races Come?
(rs pg 301 ¶1-4)
No. 3: What Proof Is There That Jesus Was Resurrected?
(1 Corinthians 15:3-7)

Service Meeting:
(song 111)
(5 min): Start a Bible Study on the First Saturday.
(Using the sample presentation on page 8, demonstrate how a study may be started on the first Saturday in April. Encourage all to have a share.)
(25 min): "How to Use Good News From God!"
(Questions and answers. When considering paragraph 6, have two demonstrations.)
(song 97 and Prayer)

Watchtower Study Lesson:
Christian Elders—‘Fellow Workers for Our Joy’
(pgs 27-31 - January 15th study edition)
(songs 123 & 53)

book abbreviations:
* rs (Reasoning From the Scriptures)

Monday, March 18, 2013

Week of March 18th - 24th

official link:

Congregation Bible Study:
(song 120 and Prayer)
"God's Word For Us Through Jeremiah"
(chapter 6, pgs 77-80, ¶19-24 + box on pg 78)

Theocratic Ministry School:
Bible reading: Luke 1-3
No. 1: Luke 1:24-45   
No. 2: Who Should Partake of the Emblems at the Lord’s Evening Meal? (rs pg 267 ¶5 – pg 268 ¶1)
No. 3: How Often Should the Memorial Be Commemorated, and When? (rs pg 269 ¶1-2)

Service Meeting:
(song 118)
(12 min): "Welcome Them!"
(Questions and answers. Have a two-part demonstration showing a publisher taking the initiative to welcome a visitor and then, after the program concludes, tactfully making arrangements to further the person's interest.)
(18 min): "How to Use Who Are Doing Jehovah's Will Today?" 
(Questions and answers. Have a seven-minute demonstration of a publisher discussing one of the lessons with a Bible student.)
(song 20 and Prayer)

Watchtower Study Lesson:
"Serving Without Regrets"
(pgs 22-26 - January 15th study edition)
(songs 91 & 39)

book abbreviations:
* rs (Reasoning From the Scriptures)

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Week of March 11th - 17th

official link:

Congregation Bible Study:
(song 68 and Prayer)
"God's Word For Us Through Jeremiah"
(chapter 6, pgs 72-77, ¶13-18 + box on pg 74)

Theocratic Ministry School:
Bible reading: Mark 13-16
No. 1: Mark 14:22-42    
No. 2:  What Is the Significance of the Memorial?
(rs pg 266 ¶1 - pg 267 ¶1)
No. 3: What Do the Memorial Emblems Represent? 
(rs pg 267 ¶2-3)

Service Meeting:
(song 109)
(10 min): What Do We Learn? 
(Discussion. Have Matthew 10:7-10 and Luke 10:1-4 read. Consider how these accounts can help us in our ministry.)
(10 min): Ways to Expand Your Ministry–Part 1.
(Discussion based on od book, page 111, ¶1, to page 112, ¶2.
Interview one or two publishers who have moved or learned another language in order to expand their ministry. What challenges did they have to overcome? How did their family or the congregation assist them? What blessings have they enjoyed?)
(10 min): "Prepare for the Memorial With a Joyful Heart."
(Questions and answers. Review local arrangements for the Memorial.
Report on the local progress of the invitation campaign.)
(song 8 and Prayer)

Watchtower Study Lesson:
"Keep Drawing Close To Jehovah"
(pgs 17-21 - January 15th study edition)
(songs 52 & 65)

book abbreviations:
* rs (Reasoning From the Scriptures)
* od (Organized To Do Jehovah's Will)

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Week of March 4th - 10th

official link:

Congregation Bible Study:
(song 62 and Prayer)
"God's Word For Us Through Jeremiah"
(chapter 6, pgs 70-72, ¶7-12 + box on pg 73)

Theocratic Ministry School:
Bible reading: Mark 9-12
No. 1: Mark 11:19–12:11
No. 2:  Is Further Punishment for Sin Exacted After One’s Death?
(rs pg 300 ¶2-6)
No. 3: Why Making a Personal Dedication to God Leads to Happiness
(Acts 20:35)

Service Meeting:
(song 7)
(10 min): Ideas for Offering the Magazines in March. 
(Discussion. Invite comments on the following questions):
- During the weekends that we are distributing the invitation, what factors will determine whether you will also offer the magazines?
- What could you say to make the transition from the invitation to the magazines?
- Although the sample presentations include a question and a scripture, how might you shorten your presentation?
- Demonstrate how each issue may be offered along with the invitation.
(10 min): Benefit from Examining the Scriptures Daily2013.
(Discussion. Briefly consider the yeartext found on pages 3-4 and
"How to Use This Booklet," on page 5. Then invite audience to relate when they have set aside time to consider the text and how they have benefited. Conclude by encouraging all to consider the text each day.)
(10 min): Local needs.
(song 119 and Prayer)

Watchtower Study Lesson: 
"Let Nothing Distance You From Jehovah"
(pgs 12-16 - January 15th study edition)
(songs 106 & 51)

book abbreviations:
* rs (Reasoning From the Scriptures)

extra publications to bring this week:
* Examining the Scriptures Daily—2013