Monday, November 1, 2010

Week of November 1st - 7th

*FYI - I apologize for not posting last week's study schedule...
(I backdated it for reference purposes)

Congregation Bible Study:
(song 22)
"Come Be My Follower"
(chapter 12, pgs 124-127, ¶15-21, box on pg 127)

Theocratic Ministry School:
Bible reading: 1 Chronicles 16-20
No. 1: 1 Chronicles 17:1-10
No. 2: Do Other Religions Adhere to the Bible?
(rs pg 204 ¶1)
No. 3: Scriptural Warnings About Things From Which True Christians Must Flee

Service Meeting:
(song 115)
We Endure Various Trials (10 min.)
(Talk based on od pg 176 ¶2 - pg 178 ¶2 ... Briefly interview a publisher regarding what helps him to remain zealous in the ministry despite having serious health problems)
Local needs (10 min.)
Prepare to Offer the Magazines During November (10 min.)
(Discussion & brief review of magazine contents. Choose 2 or 3 articles, and invite audience to suggest questions & scriptures that could be used in a presentation. Demonstrate how each issue may be offered.)
(song 3)

Watchtower Study Lesson:
Unity Identifies True Worship
(pgs 12-16 -September 15th study edition)
(songs 20 & 121)

book abbreviations:
* rs (Reasoning From the Scriptures)
* od (Organized To Do Jehovah's Will)