official link
Congregation Bible Study:
(song 5 and Prayer)
Word For Us Through Jeremiah"
(chapter 3, pgs 32-35, ¶1-6)
Theocratic Ministry School:
Bible reading: Zechariah
No. 1: Zechariah 11:1-13
No. 2: Whose Prayers Is God Willing to Hear?
(rs pg 292 ¶1 – pg 293 ¶2)
No. 3: In What Situations Might We Apply Proverbs 15:1?
Service Meeting:
(song 75)
(30 min): How We Can Make Good Use of Our Official Website.
(Discussion of pages 3-6. When considering page 4, have a three-minute demonstration of a family concluding their Family Worship evening. The family head asks for ideas about what to cover the following week, and the children point out items from the "Teenagers" section of the Web site that they would like to discuss. Invite audience to comment on how they have used, or plan to use it, for personal and family study. When considering page 5, have a three-minute demonstration of a publisher with a mobile device using the site to answer a householder's question about our beliefs. When considering page 6, have a four-minute demonstration of a publisher talking to an interested person who prefers to read in a different language. The publisher uses his mobile device or the householder's computer to display a page from the Know the Truth tract or the Bible Teach book in the householder's language and discusses it with him. Invite audience to comment on how they have used in the ministry.)
(song 101 and Prayer)
Watchtower Study Lesson:
"Teach Me To Do Your Will"
3-7 - November 15th study edition)
(songs 69 & 120)
* rs (Reasoning From the Scriptures)