Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Week of February 18th - 24th

official jw.org link:

Congregation Bible Study:
(song 52 and Prayer)
"God's Word For Us Through Jeremiah"
(chapter 5, pgs 62-66, ¶13-18)

Theocratic Ministry School:
Bible reading: Mark 1-4
No. 1:  Mark 2:18–3:6
No. 2: On What Is the Teaching of Purgatory Based?
(rs pg 299 ¶1-6)
No. 3: How Are We to Understand Paul’s Advice Recorded at
1 Corinthians 7:29-31?

Service Meeting:
(song 92)
(15 min): Preach the Word in Troublesome Season (2 Timothy 4:2)
(Discussion based on the 2012 Yearbook, page 72, ¶1-2; page 110; page 156, ¶1, to page 157, ¶1; and page 179, ¶3. Invite audience to comment on the lessons learned.)
(15 min): "Campaign to Advertise the Memorial Begins March 1st"
(Questions and answers. Distribute a copy of the invitation to each one in the audience, and discuss its contents. When considering ¶2, invite the service overseer to outline local arrangements for covering territory. When considering ¶3, use the sample presentation to demonstrate how the invitation might be offered.)
(song 8 and Prayer)

Watchtower Study Lesson:
“Temporary Residents” United in True Worship
(pgs 24-28 - December 15th study edition)
(songs 124 & 121)

book abbreviations:
* rs (Reasoning From the Scriptures)

extra publications to bring this week:
* 2012 Yearbook